This is Who We Are – TSIˀ NIYUKWALIHÓ•TɅ
A team led by Bluewater Studio, in partnership with Oneida Nation Cultural Heritage, is providing Planning, Design, Fabrication, and Installation for 4900 square feet of interpretive exhibits for an all-new Oneida Nation Museum.
To attract a diverse audience and better resonate with visitors, the new museum will employ a wide range of exhibit techniques, blending history with the present and future to communicate “Who We Are.” The exhibitions will shift from a historical perspective to a relevant, modern story deeply rooted in traditions and values.
These concept design images provide a preview into our team’s work on this exciting project.
Lord Cultural Resources
WeatherstonBruer Associates
- Project Management
- Interpretive Planning
- Focus Sessions & Workshops
- Content Development
- Concept, Detail & Graphic Design
- Lighting Design
- Cost Estimating
- Prototypes, Mockups & Sampling
- Construction Drawings
- Fabrication & Installation
- Media Production & Integration
- Lighting & Electrical Integration
- Facility Interface Coordination
- Artifact Mounting